
Expert tips

By Scott Kostusiak April 8, 2019
Choosing a color to compliment your room can be a daunting task. Here are some pointers when matching a color with a light hardwood floor; 1) White is an obvious option. While white with bode will with a light hardwood, it can also be too much for some folks preference. You can offset this clinical vibe by going with an off white. When using this approach, we recommend using a semi-gloss on the trim ti give it that "pop" and allow for easier cleaning. 2) Grays - Gray is a nice neutral color that comes in a variety of undertones that will make it an easy fit for most rooms. With a wide variety of options, carefully choose your shade of gray to compliment your floors. 3) Neutral colors - There are a plenty of options that fall under the spectrum of neutral colors. Colors such as a light blue, turquoise etc... will likely fit in very well with a lighter finished hardwood floor. If you are having trouble making a decision, sample a few different colors on the walls and allow to dry. This will give you a good idea of what the paint will look like once dry.
By Scott Kostusiak April 8, 2019
We were contracted to apply the stain and poly finish to the complete bar at Shea's. This included lightly sanding the wood prior to stain. This is an important step that shouldn't be overlooked. Should this step not be done, any blemishes will be magnified through the staining process. We then applied the stain by wiping on with a rag and making sure it was an even finish. This will give it maximum aesthetic appeal. Once fully dry, we sanded and wiped with a tack cloth to ensure a smooth finish. We are also applying the proper primers and finish to the recently repaired existing plaster molding in the bar. Along with filling all nail holes and caulking all gaps in the new moldings in which we apply a pre-catalyzed epoxy topcoat for a durable finish on the trim and doors. This will ensure longevity for this high traffic area. We pride ourselves on attention to detail, and that will be the difference in the quality of work we deliver on this project both initially, and long term!
April 8, 2019
Does you have a little one that would like to to learn code? We have the place for you! The Coder School recently opened up in East Amherst & facilitates the process of tomorrow’s leaders learning code today! We applied #SherwinWilliams Pro Paint to these nifty designs created by their architect and really brought this space to life!
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